Clinical Counseling

Customized, Client-Centered Care.

North Star’s clinical counseling services are customized and client-centered. Whatever the client wants to address is the focus of the care and treatment we provide. Whether it be learning how to cope, dealing with the difficulties of life, managing a mental health diagnosis, understanding your partner, or developing your leadership capabilities – North Star clinical counseling is geared towards you and the goal you wish to actualize.

No goal? That’s okay, we’ve been there and we’re here to help with that too!

Counseling for all.

There are a number of reasons that clients seek out individual counseling. You may feel alone and misunderstood or perhaps you’ve been experiencing a great deal of stress and confusion or maybe you’re a community leader, business executive, high-achieving student-athlete, artist, entertainer, new mom, new dad, or just been diagnosed with a life-altering prognosis – whatever the issue is...

At North Star our answer is the same... We’re here to help... You’ve got more strength that you know... lets move towards your goals.

Do we even need to list it? Being in a relationship with anyone has both its ups and down. Perhaps though, you’ve begun to notice that there are some areas of your relationship that you wish to change; maybe its communication, maybe its intimacy, maybe you just feel like you aren’t connecting the way you used to and some sort of change needs to take place...

Whatever it is, at North Star our answer is the same... We’re here to help... You’ve got more strength than you know... lets move towards your goals.

Messy? At times. Difficult? If it’s good. Beautiful and worth having? Absolutely. We get it. Friendship and connection has been empirically noted to increase the overall quality of a person’s life. At North Star, we take note of that and offer something that we haven’t seen other places...

A place for friends to not only take risks and get vulnerable about life, but also hash things out (if they get messy). From personalized story work with trusted confidants to learning how personality shapes communication and how conflicts are addressed to simply learning how to treat others with love, dignity, and respect – we recognize that this is a process, something that can’t simply be learned from a book, but rather experienced...

Whatever it is, at North Star our answer is the same... We’re here to help... Y'all have more strength than you think... lets move towards your goals.

Families experience different seasons of life – some good and some not so great. Maybe your family just experienced life-altering news, or perhaps you’re a partner-team that is having difficulties connecting with your children, or maybe a “reset” needs be hit and a change in how things are done needs to take place...

Whatever the case, at North Star our answer is the same... We’re here to help... you’ve got more strength that you know... lets move towards your goals.


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